jQuery Masked Input Plugin
Copyright (c) 2007 - 2015 Josh Bush (
Licensed under the MIT license (
Version: 1.4.1
! function (a) {
"function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], a) : a("object" == typeof exports ? require("jquery") : jQuery)
}(function (a) {
var b, c = navigator.userAgent,
d = /iphone/i.test(c),
e = /chrome/i.test(c),
f = /android/i.test(c);
a.mask = {
definitions: {
9: "[0-9]",
a: "[A-Za-z]",
"*": "[A-Za-z0-9]"
autoclear: !0,
dataName: "rawMaskFn",
placeholder: "_"
}, a.fn.extend({
caret: function (a, b) {
var c;
if (0 !== this.length && !":hidden")) return "number" == typeof a ? (b = "number" == typeof b ? b : a, this.each(function () {
this.setSelectionRange ? this.setSelectionRange(a, b) : this.createTextRange && (c = this.createTextRange(), c.collapse(!0), c.moveEnd("character", b), c.moveStart("character", a),
})) : (this[0].setSelectionRange ? (a = this[0].selectionStart, b = this[0].selectionEnd) : document.selection && document.selection.createRange && (c = document.selection.createRange(), a = 0 - c.duplicate().moveStart("character", -1e5), b = a + c.text.length), {
begin: a,
end: b
unmask: function () {
return this.trigger("unmask")
mask: function (c, g) {
var h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o;
if (!c && this.length > 0) {
h = a(this[0]);
var p =;
return p ? p() : void 0
return g = a.extend({
autoclear: a.mask.autoclear,
placeholder: a.mask.placeholder,
completed: null
}, g), i = a.mask.definitions, j = [], k = n = c.length, l = null, a.each(c.split(""), function (a, b) {
"?" == b ? (n--, k = a) : i[b] ? (j.push(new RegExp(i[b])), null === l && (l = j.length - 1), k > a && (m = j.length - 1)) : j.push(null)
}), this.trigger("unmask").each(function () {
function h() {
if (g.completed) {
for (var a = l; m >= a; a++)
if (j[a] && C[a] === p(a)) return;
function p(a) {
return g.placeholder.charAt(a < g.placeholder.length ? a : 0)
function q(a) {
for (; ++a < n && !j[a];);
return a
function r(a) {
for (; --a >= 0 && !j[a];);
return a
function s(a, b) {
var c, d;
if (!(0 > a)) {
for (c = a, d = q(b); n > c; c++)
if (j[c]) {
if (!(n > d && j[c].test(C[d]))) break;
C[c] = C[d], C[d] = p(d), d = q(d)
z(), B.caret(Math.max(l, a))
function t(a) {
var b, c, d, e;
for (b = a, c = p(a); n > b; b++)
if (j[b]) {
if (d = q(b), e = C[b], C[b] = c, !(n > d && j[d].test(e))) break;
c = e
function u() {
var a = B.val(),
b = B.caret();
if (o && o.length && o.length > a.length) {
for (A(!0); b.begin > 0 && !j[b.begin - 1];) b.begin--;
if (0 === b.begin)
for (; b.begin < l && !j[b.begin];) b.begin++;
B.caret(b.begin, b.begin)
} else {
for (A(!0); b.begin < n && !j[b.begin];) b.begin++;
B.caret(b.begin, b.begin)
function v() {
A(), B.val() != E && B.change()
function w(a) {
if (!B.prop("readonly")) {
var b, c, e, f = a.which || a.keyCode;
o = B.val(), 8 === f || 46 === f || d && 127 === f ? (b = B.caret(), c = b.begin, e = b.end, e - c === 0 && (c = 46 !== f ? r(c) : e = q(c - 1), e = 46 === f ? q(e) : e), y(c, e), s(c, e - 1), a.preventDefault()) : 13 === f ?, a) : 27 === f && (B.val(E), B.caret(0, A()), a.preventDefault())
function x(b) {
if (!B.prop("readonly")) {
var c, d, e, g = b.which || b.keyCode,
i = B.caret();
if (!(b.ctrlKey || b.altKey || b.metaKey || 32 > g) && g && 13 !== g) {
if (i.end - i.begin !== 0 && (y(i.begin, i.end), s(i.begin, i.end - 1)), c = q(i.begin - 1), n > c && (d = String.fromCharCode(g), j[c].test(d))) {
if (t(c), C[c] = d, z(), e = q(c), f) {
var k = function () {
a.proxy(a.fn.caret, B, e)()
setTimeout(k, 0)
} else B.caret(e);
i.begin <= m && h()
function y(a, b) {
var c;
for (c = a; b > c && n > c; c++) j[c] && (C[c] = p(c))
function z() {
function A(a) {
var b, c, d, e = B.val(),
f = -1;
for (b = 0, d = 0; n > b; b++)
if (j[b]) {
for (C[b] = p(b); d++ < e.length;)
if (c = e.charAt(d - 1), j[b].test(c)) {
C[b] = c, f = b;
if (d > e.length) {
y(b + 1, n);
} else C[b] === e.charAt(d) && d++, k > b && (f = b);
return a ? z() : k > f + 1 ? g.autoclear || C.join("") === D ? (B.val() && B.val(""), y(0, n)) : z() : (z(), B.val(B.val().substring(0, f + 1))), k ? b : l
var B = a(this),
C =""), function (a, b) {
return "?" != a ? i[a] ? p(b) : a : void 0
D = C.join(""),
E = B.val();, function () {
return, function (a, b) {
return j[b] && a != p(b) ? a : null
}),"unmask", function () {".mask").removeData(a.mask.dataName)
}).on("focus.mask", function () {
if (!B.prop("readonly")) {
var a;
E = B.val(), a = A(), b = setTimeout(function () {
B.get(0) === document.activeElement && (z(), a == c.replace("?", "").length ? B.caret(0, a) : B.caret(a))
}, 10)
}).on("blur.mask", v).on("keydown.mask", w).on("keypress.mask", x).on("input.mask paste.mask", function () {
B.prop("readonly") || setTimeout(function () {
var a = A(!0);
B.caret(a), h()
}, 0)
}), e && f &&"input.mask").on("input.mask", u), A()
* Máscara
jQuery(function ($) {
//Inicio Mascara Telefone
$('input[type=tel]').focusout(function () {
var phone, element;
element = $(this);
phone = element.val().replace(/\D/g, '');
if (phone.length > 10) {
} else {
//Fim Mascara Telefone
//Inicio Mascara CPF ou CNPJ
$('input#form-field-cpf_cnpj').focusout(function () {
var phone, element;
element = $(this);
phone = element.val().replace(/\D/g, '');
if (phone.length > 11) {
} else {
//Fim Mascara CPF ou CNPJ
$(".altura").mask("999 cm");
$(".peso").mask("999 kg");
$(".rg").mask("RG: 9999999 - (aa)");
$(".telefone").mask("(99) 99999-9999?9");
jQuery(function($) {
$("select option:first").attr('disabled', 'disabled');// Disable the first value/label ---
Buscar endereço:
* Insira os ID's CSS de acordo com os campos do seu formulário.
* */
var rua='#form-field-rua';
var bairro='#form-field-bairro';
var cidade='#form-field-cidade';
var uf='#form-field-uf';
var cep='#form-field-cep';
var $jq = jQuery.noConflict();
$jq(document).ready(function() {
function limpa_formulário_cep() {
// Limpa valores do formulário de cep.
//Quando o campo cep perde o foco.
$jq(cep).blur(function() {
//Nova variável "cep" somente com dígitos.
var cepx = $jq(this).val().replace(/\D/g, '');
//Verifica se campo cep possui valor informado.
if (cepx !='') {
//Expressão regular para validar o CEP.
var validacep = /^[0-9]{8}$/;
//Valida o formato do CEP.
if(validacep.test(cepx)) {
//Preenche os campos com "..." enquanto consulta webservice.
//Consulta o webservice
$jq.getJSON(''+ cepx +'/json/?callback=?', function(dados) {
if (!('erro' in dados)) {
//Atualiza os campos com os valores da consulta.
} //end if.
else {
//CEP pesquisado não foi encontrado.
alert('CEP não encontrado.');
} //end if.
else {
//cep é inválido.
alert('Formato de CEP inválido.');
} //end if.
else {
//cep sem valor, limpa formulário.