Tutorial em vídeo sobre como usar os formulários PHP e Elementor Pro, para criar um formulário de registro.
* Plugin Name: Elementor Form Create New User
* Description: Create a new user using elementor form
* Author: Gal Hadad
* Author URI: https://wpsite.co.il
* License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
add_action( 'elementor_pro/forms/new_record', 'thewpchannel_elementor_form_create_new_user' , 10, 2 );
function thewpchannel_elementor_form_create_new_user($record,$ajax_handler)
$form_name = $record->get_form_settings('form_name');
//Check that the form is the "create new user form" if not - stop and return;
if ('Create New User' !== $form_name) {
$form_data = $record->get_formatted_data();
$username=$form_data['User Name']; //Get tne value of the input with the label "User Name"
$password = $form_data['Password']; //Get tne value of the input with the label "Password"
$email=$form_data['Email']; //Get tne value of the input with the label "Email"
$user = wp_create_user($username,$password,$email); // Create a new user, on success return the user_id no failure return an error object
if (is_wp_error($user)){ // if there was an error creating a new user
$ajax_handler->add_error_message("Failed to create new user: ".$user->get_error_message()); //add the message
$ajax_handler->is_success = false;
$first_name=$form_data["First Name"]; //Get tne value of the input with the label "First Name"
$last_name=$form_data["Last Name"]; //Get tne value of the input with the label "Last Name"
wp_update_user(array("ID"=>$user,"first_name"=>$first_name,"last_name"=>$last_name)); // Update the user with the first name and last name
/* Automatically log in the user and redirect the user to the home page */
$creds= array( // credientials for newley created user
$signon = wp_signon($creds); //sign in the new user
if ($signon)
$ajax_handler->add_response_data( 'redirect_url', get_home_url() ); // optinal - if sign on succsfully - redierct the user to the home page
Fonte: https://gal.dev/2019/03/create-registration-form-using-elementor-pro/